David Ban

Software Engineer / Student

Game Designer
Software Engineer

Hi! I'm David!
I'm a B.A. Computer Science Major @ UC Berkeley who enjoys rhythm games and music.
I help teach and facilitate the Game Design Decal here on campus, where we teach students how to create video games in Unity. I also participated in the class, and have an itch page with my final project. I produced, designed, and coded a rhythm game titled Rhythmic Blade. The trailer is also linked down below.
I was also recently in the Wuthering Waves second closed beta, and you can check out my teardown of the game and the mechanics here.
Most interested in becoming a game developer and helping people enjoy video games as much as I enjoy them.
Hello! I'm David, a student majoring in Computer Science Major at UC Berkeley and will be graduating with honors.
As a leader and developer in many communities, I lead by example and approach opportunities with unique perspectives.
I interned at Enable Medicine as a Full Stack Developer in 2022, where I held responsibilities in developing full-stack and delivering production-level applications. Academically, I am committed to my education and excel in my studies with a CGPA of over 3.75.
In addition to school and work, I constantly seek opportunities to expand my knowledge. I have attended numerous hackathons, game jams, and organized several math tournaments for high school and middle school students. I also do research at the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) here at Berkeley, and am an Officer for the Dance Games @ Berkeley.
I also enjoy learning new hobbies, and have tried to learn at least one every semester at Berkeley. You can find the full list of hobbies here!
Hello! My name is David, a software engineer and pursuing a computer science degree with honors at the University of California, Berkeley.
As a leader and developer in many communities, I lead by example and approach opportunities with unique perspectives. I enjoy working with new and unfamiliar environments, and thrive under pressure.
I interned at Enable Medicine as a Full Stack Developer, where I held responsibilities in developing full-stack and delivering production-level applications. I proposed, created, and delivered novel applications in our workflow, conducted user testing, moderated new releases, and presented them to the company and CEO. Previously, I interned at Idaho National Lab, where my code and analysis has been included in two research papers (see papers below). Academically, I am committed to my education and excel in my studies with a CGPA of over 3.75. I enjoy taking courses such as Operating Systems, Computer Graphics, and Introduction to Artificial Intelligence while still teaching and tutoring for classes, including Calculus and Discrete Math and Probability.
In addition to school and work, I constantly seek opportunities to expand my knowledge. I have attended numerous hackathons and have organized and wrote problems for several tournaments including the Berkeley Math Tournament. I am currently doing research in partner with the Center for New Music and Audio Technologies (CNMAT) using Artificial Intelligence to generate videos from music, and am a founding officer for the Dance Games @ Berkeley, which hosts and maintains the Dance Dance Revolution machine on campus. You can see our website which I helped build here.


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Papers and Presentations

Name Year URL
'Network Bending of Diffusion Models for Audio-Visual Generation' 2024 Paper
'Experimental results of conductive inserts to reduce nuclear fuel temperature during nuclear volumetric heating' 2021 Paper Link
'Dry in-pile fracture test (DRIFT) for separate-effects validation of ceramic fuel fracture models' 2021 Paper Link
Predicting Protein-Ligand Binding Using Deep Learning with Spatial Transformations 2020 Paper
American Medical Informatics Association Presenter 2019 Presentation Slides